I'm sure every new mom goes through this (many even sooner than we are), but Josh is losing his third nap. While this is great because he's growing up, sleeping through the night consistently, etc, this makes for not so fun evenings. He wakes up from his 2nd nap between 2 and 3, and I start counting the hours until 8 o'clock when he can go down. He does pretty well until about 6 o'clock, and then - boom - he reaches that point of no return. So, we feed, go for a walk (unless it's hot as the blazes, which is has been lately), and he spends a lot of time on Mommy's hip until - ahhh...7 rolls around and the nighttime routine begins - bottle, bath, massage, books, prayer and into bed. I'm sitting here after the routine and thinking - oh, blessed silence :). I will say this - we are blessed with a wonderful baby that goes straight down without any problems. Thank you Secrets of the Baby Whisperer for all the great tips on bedtime routines.
For those new moms out there - I highly recommend it. Like all books, there are parts we didn't do and then there were parts we loved. When we would reach the end of our rope early on, we'd go in desperation and look up whatever the problem was - and sure enough (in most things), we'd try her method - and it worked. My favorite for those first few weeks was the charts on how a baby cries and what their body does when they have different needs.
Well, that's enough for tonight. Here's a shot my husband took earlier tonight of our sleepy little boy.