Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Josh with his new push toy

Well...Josh has certainly gotten more independent - which I am thrilled about. The only bad thing is, he is now crawling over the entire house instead of sticking right with me. I don't miss the climbing all over my legs and being unable to move as I'm cooking, but having to drop the spoon and run to investigate what he's gotten himself into is not so fun. I was trying to get all the prep done during his nap - but I've been way too exhausted with the twins - so that's Mommy's nap time too :).

His other new thing is cruising everywhere - along the couch, the cabinets, the entertainment center...using the chairs as push toys. I can't tell you how many times I've been in the kitchen and I peek my head around the corner to check on him and my kitchen chairs are now in the middle of the living room :). The Lassetters were kind enough to let us borrow a push toy for my cruising boy. I think he's enjoying it...what do you think?

1 comment:

Beverly said...

He is just adorable. I enjoyed seeing you guys over Christmas. Tel hi Aunt Nay Nay loves hi so much. I can't wait until I stop working and am able to see him more. Also - Congrats to Matt on the new job. Karen - you looked beautiful and I love your new haircut.