Saturday, February 16, 2008

Books I've been reading, My First Tower, a Montage with Dad

I love to read, and now that I'm a mom, I find myself less and less entertained unless the novel is exceptional. So, I've been reading some good books, and some I've skimmed and promptly put down because I could tell they were a bunch of mumbo jumbo :). But I have read two books recently that were great.

The first one was called Twinspirations. It's by a twin mom, and she's hilarious. It has all the things that they forget to put in other books - like how do you get the stupid double stroller through non-automatic doors, and can you really grocery shop with twins, etc. So, it was a fun read.

The other one is by Burton L. White and it's called the The New First Three Years of Life. And no, he's not a Christian, but in general, it's a GREAT book. It goes through the developmental stages of the first three years in great detail, and then matches up what toys and household items are the most helpful, etc. It has been a lifesaver with Josh - who has just started throwing massive temper tantrums, and what White did was observe groups of children at various ages and make observations about what types of things stimulated them, upset them, what they could understand, etc. So, it was really good and interesting. And though we still spank Josh for dangerous things, it's given us some more creative ways to teach him too, so it's been great. I highly recommend it! He's also a huge proponent of staying home with your children. It's so neat when you read something that's not even from a Christian perspective, but they prove Christian principles without even realizing that they are doing so. His major push is to raise children developmentally so that they are independent and well-adjusted, but he believes that the parents should be the primary teachers, just like it says in Scripture. So, anyway - there's my tidbit for the day!

Building my First Tower

A Montage of Loving my Dad

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