Friday, June 6, 2008

A Wonderful First Month

Life is fabulous - Matt and I highly recommend twins for anyone - however, we'd recommend having them the SECOND time around :). We're much less stressed this time :). Same goals, etc. for the girls, but we're a lot less paranoid about when they reach them :).

We just also want to say thank you to everyone who has been so helpful to us over the past month. The body of Christ and our family has just been AMAZING. We are in the house with three beautiful (well - one of them is handsome) children. Here's the last month in pictures:

Our two beautiful girls - big eyes and all :)

Josh loves it when his sisters sit in the "bassy seat."
I'd like you to meet Josh. Here's Josh in a box. Who needs toys when you have a big box to crawl in and out of? This box has been the hit of the week - it has been the favorite of both Josh and Georgia Finn. In the box, out of the box, around the box, on top of the box, peekaboo with the box - the fun never stops...

And one of the most common comments in the Lytle household "EYE!" Mom...she's got an EYE! It's so exciting! "EYE" "EYE" "EYE"...much to my chagrin daughters may be blind before they reach 3 months old...if you see them with scratches, bruises, etc. just know that these are love marks from their overly excited brother...I've never had to discipline for excitement before. Is there such a thing as loving people TOO much?

Now it's far too late and my husband and I have sat up to bring you guys all these pictures - but alas - we've probably given up our 4 hour stretch for this - so, if anyone happens to be up between 3 and 4:30 in the morning over the next few weeks - just think of us - we're probably juggling two adorable girls and trying to stay awake at the same time. So...good night!


Beverly said...

These pictures are so cute! Praise the Lord that all is going so well-

K & K look like they are getting so big! I can't believe that they are one month already.

Let me know when you are up for a playdate... I'd love to get together!


Lindsey said...

aww K & K are so tiny! I loved getting to meet them and cant wait to come and see them again :)