Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sibling Love

Well, the girls had their two month appointment yesterday (yes, I know they're almost three, but it's been a crazy month :). I thought I'd let you know their stats:

21 3/4 inches (10th percentile)
10 lbs. 0.3 oz. (20th percentile)

22 3/4 inches (50th percentile)
10 lbs 7 oz. (20th percentile)

The doctor's appointment went well, but next time, if at all possible I won't have the girls in the room together when the other one's getting shots. It upset them worse to hear the other one scream than to get their own shots! It was so sad! But they finally calmed down. But other than that, they're doing fabulous. They just love each other SO much!

Here's a few shots of sibling love with their brother, and a couple more of them just being beautiful! Thanks Aunt Charie and Uncle Theron for the beautiful dresses!

Josh and Kathleen

Kathleen - look at that gorgeous smile!
Karissa and Josh

My big-eyed Karissa - Check out those beautiful blues!

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