Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Dancing with a Dog

Okay - so, I'm sure if you're a mom - you've had them...the toys your child loves, and you absolutely, totally, and completely HATE! We have several. Two of them are fire trucks (neither have an "off" switch). However...the toy that takes the grand prize of the absolutely most annoying toy ever created is a singing dog that "woofs" the song Stupid Cupid. Yes, my son adores it - so, Haley and Bekah - you made his day by giving it to him. However, I can only handle so many times of hearing a dog "woof" "Stupid Cupid," a song which by the way took me months of wracking my brain only to finally have my friend Leah come up with it (it was probably bouncing around in her head non-stop for months since she has to have heard it hundreds of times as well while we're on the phone :). Anyway - all that to say...the dog gets hidden about once a week when Mommy cannot handle the barking anymore. However, within a few days (I'm convinced he goes on a dog hunt), low and behold I will be in the kitchen or sitting at the computer and I will hear the dreaded song begin - son has found it. No matter the hiding place, no matter how high up and hidden the dog is...he will find it.

However, the dog (my nemesis - his friend) has rewarded me with some adorable moments. When I begin to lose my mind over the singing dog, I remember that my son's face lights up with delight and he dances and sways and stomps his excitement in time with the dancing dog. He used to just do a little stomp dance, but he recently learned "The Sprinkler" from Georgia. So, in honor of my son and the most annoying dog ever created, I've posted my son doing "The Sprinkler" below:


Lindsey said...

thats a pretty good sprinkler ha! what a cute video :)

Beverly said...

Thank you for the password!! How much fun to see all of the new pictures:) Joshua is so CUTE!! How exciting to have 2 new GIRLS!!! Congratulations and I hope yall are doing well...we go for our induction this coming Saturday for boy #2 :)....
Shannon B