Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!!

As we celebrate the 232nd birthday of our nation, I couldn't think of anything better to do than to show some pics of our wonderful children. There's nothing really patriotic about these, but believe me, they love their country!!

So anyway, here are some wonderful pictures of our son and daughters for you to enjoy.

Kathleen (left) and Karissa (right) wondering what that big black think is that daddy has in front of his face. Is it a new nose?

Karissa decides that she doesn't care as Kathleen looks on.

Josh after bath time with a homemade mohawk. He pities the fool.

Josh is now ready to front a punk band called Big Head Toddler and the Monsters.

*** Note from Karen...for those of you who don't recognize my husband's dry wit...this post was from him:). And yes, I realize Josh desperately needs a haircut - but all I have to say is THREE under TWO people :).

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

my goodness they are looking like little ones now instead of just newborns :) how cute!